We provide unique subscription packages, customized to align with your requirements and financial plan.
starting from 500 € /mo
Contact SalesWire payments
Opting for annual billing enables you to access our wire payment options.
Contact Sales✓No Strings Attached
Service is billed monthly to your credit card. Cancel or change plans at any time. No hidden fees.
✓Save and Secure
We protect your security and privacy and we keep your data away from harm.
✓ Fast to set up
✓ Branded accounts
✓ 20 GB single file size
✓ No installation
✓ Chat support
✓ TLS Security
✓ Restful API
Trusted by
“ Fluxiom was a big change for us, but experiments are part of who we are at La Strada. We definitely do not regret that one! —Diana Brus, Commercial Director
“ I am very sensitive to the design factor, and this extends to my tools. With Fluxiom, I can present the right shots to the right clients in exactly the right way. —Christof Wagner, Photographer
“ Front and foremost, we chose Fluxiom because it was simple and had no learning- curve, beyond a few minutes of self-paced experimentation. —Jörg Rieger, Managing Director
“ With the sharing features available in Fluxiom, our colleagues around the world have access to the information they need, no matter where they are and when they need it. —Hermann Pamminger, Marketing Director
If It Involves Files, We Make It Simpler
“Once you've uploaded some media, it quickly becomes apparent how well-designed Fluxiom is. There is almost no learning curve to the software.
Fluxiom, a Universal Solution for All Industries
Streamline organization, sharing, and security for your data!