Using Fluxiom on iPad & iPhone
Two finger scrolling on the iPad (or iPhone)
An ever-increasing number of Fluxiom users are accessing their account from an iPad or an iPhone. In fact, their portability and always-on Internet access truly unleash the power of Fluxiom, by turning any account into an instant portfolio and reference library.
We are delighted to confirm that the iPad and iPhone are indeed supported by Fluxiom, and that all the main features of your account will work within Mobile Safari, the built-in browser. In fact, such has been the case since the iPad first came to market!
Furthermore, we are hard at work developing and testing additional enhancements to the service that will further optimise the interface on mobile and touch-driven devices. We will be sure to keep you posted as we have more to announce in that area.
In the meantime, allow us to share a quick solution for the one gesture that has been puzzling some of you, namely scrolling. Because dragging with a single finger has a particular meaning to Fluxiom, you will need to use two fingers to scroll up and down your Assets view. No fancy gestures or controls, just two fingers instead of one, as demonstrated in this video:
Two finger scrolling on the iPad (or iPhone)
Should you have any questions or comments about using Fluxiom on your iPad or iPhone, please feel free to contact our support team, who will be delighted to help.